Brittany graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Colorado with two undergraduate degrees, one in history and one in Spanish. She completed her graduate degree in secondary education at Regis University, with a specific emphasis in culturally and linguistically diverse education. Brittany is a certified Colorado teacher with an endorsement in Secondary Social Studies. Currently, Brittany teaches AP Psychology, Government, Modern US History, and World Geography at Wheat Ridge High School in Jeffco. For the past six years, her specific focus has been on advancing reading skills through social studies curriculum. Some of her strengths include helping students to create connections with curriculum, writing organization and skills, and working with students who are learning English as a second language. Brittany’s passion for teaching is demonstrated through her ability to make meaningful and long-lasting relationships with her students that inspire them to continue a life-long journey of learning. When she is not teaching, planning, or grading papers, she is spending time with her pets, travelling (ideally), studying psychology, and reading for fun.
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Step 1: If you like this tutor, then check the tutor’s availability in the calendar below. If it matches your availability, fantastic, you have your first tutor picked. Pick a second one as a backup.
Step 2: Contact Director Cindy Pearson to let her know of at least 2 tutors you are interested in working with.
Disclaimer: Calendars may not be 100% accurate. If no availability is visible, please still reach out to Cindy to check.