Brenden studied at Springfield College in MA and received a bachelor of science degree in business marketing as well as a master’s degree in sports management. He grew up in MA and moved to Colorado for an internship at the National Sports Center for the Disabled to complete his master’s degree in 2015. Brenden has been tutoring high school math and science for 7 years and has tutored over 70 different students during that time. Brenden now works part-time as a software engineer but still enjoys tutoring on the side. He has always been passionate about math and science and was a chemistry major for three years prior to deciding on a business major. Brenden, now enjoying a remote work life, spends his time moving between Massachusetts, Colorado, and California. His hobbies include snowboarding, playing guitar, and disc golfing.
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Step 1: If you like this tutor, then check the tutor’s availability in the calendar below. If it matches your availability, fantastic, you have your first tutor picked. Pick a second one as a backup.
Step 2: Contact Director Cindy Pearson to let her know of at least 2 tutors you are interested in working with.
Disclaimer: Calendars may not be 100% accurate. If no availability is visible, please still reach out to Cindy to check.