Bobbie graduated from Metropolitan State University with a B.A. in behavioral science and a Colorado teaching license. She earned her M.A. in education with honors from Regis University. Bobbie has also been trained in Orton Gillingham. With 20+ years in the pre-k through second-grade classrooms (and tutoring children through the fourth grade), she has had the opportunity to teach diverse learners, including those with learning disabilities, ELL students, those performing at grade level, as well as gifted students. Bobbie has a strong passion to educate young minds, and helping children blossom into well-rounded, responsible, and successful individuals. She delivers content in differentiated lessons and is familiar with standards-based education. As a result, she is proficient in planning creative and stimulating lessons, which accommodate multiple intelligences, bringing in a hands-on approach to learning, and keeping children engaged and excited to learn. When not teaching and continuing to learn herself, she enjoys being with her family and golden doodle.
Ready to get started?
We have an easy 5-step sign-up process.
Step 1: If you like this tutor, then check the tutor’s availability in the calendar below. If it matches your availability, fantastic, you have your first tutor picked. Pick a second one as a backup.
Step 2: Contact Director Cindy Pearson to let her know of at least 2 tutors you are interested in working with.
Disclaimer: Calendars may not be 100% accurate. If no availability is visible, please still reach out to Cindy to check.