Gracey is a graduate of Colorado School of Mines with a B.S. in computational and applied mathematics. By sharing her love for math, she is eager to help guide students in their own learning and understanding of math as the subject progresses, as well as provide skills to decrease test stress and anxiety. Outside of tutoring, Gracey is a routesetter and coach at a local climbing gym.
Ready to get started?
We have an easy 5-step sign-up process.
Step 1: If you like this tutor, then check the tutor’s availability in the calendar below. If it matches your availability, fantastic, you have your first tutor picked. Pick a second one as a backup.
Step 2: Contact Director Cindy Pearson to let her know of at least 2 tutors you are interested in working with.
Disclaimer: Calendars may not be 100% accurate. If no availability is visible, please still reach out to Cindy to check.