About: Wyatt

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  • Role : 7th-12th Grade Math,
    Science & Organizational/
    Study Skills Tutor

Wyatt is a third-year student attending Colorado School of Mines, where he is pursuing a multidisciplinary education in biochemistry with minors in applied mathematics, biology, and public affairs. In addition to tutoring, he works as a teaching assistant for the Thorson First Year Honors program, a course that challenges Mines freshmen to explore nontraditional thinking and problem-solving within the context of engineering ethics. He also aims to combat the perceived dissonance between artistic and scientific creativity by managing layout and graphic design for both the fine arts journal and undergraduate research journal at Colorado School of Mines. Ultimately, Wyatt is motivated by a strong passion to explore and improve the world we live in, whether that be through scientific discovery, travel, or just by engaging with the local community. He sees education as a lifelong pursuit and spends every day searching for new learning opportunities, a quest that has led him to develop a deep love for music, art, and language.