About: Jessica

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  • Role : 2nd-12th Grade
    Writing, English,
    & French Tutor

Jessica received a BA in biology with a minor in history from CU Boulder and a MA in English from Oregon State, where she taught college freshman composition. Using knowledge from both degrees, Jessica worked as a technical editor for a scientific magazine in Oregon and later as a medical editor in Boulder. As a freelance writer and editor, she wrote articles for Boulder Magazine as well as edited texts of various genres, accreditation documents, historical panels, poetry journals, and a few novels. Jessica co-founded and acted as the primary instructor for Mitchell Elementary’s K-6 English Club with the objectives of providing a sense of community for ESL students as well as helping them understand the written word and the American culture. Jessica’s upbringing in a French and English household, as well as her parenting of three children, allow her to empathize with students overcoming differences and validate their need for academic support. Her French background also enables her to guide students in French, especially with a conversational approach. As a tutor since 2017, Jessica prides herself in being patient with children of all ages and encourages them to express concerns regarding reading and writing in any subject. She believes truly listening to each student and comprehending his or her particular approach to learning are most important to achieving breakthroughs. Keeping these values in mind, Jessica drives students to interpret and relay information to audiences effectively because learning how to communicate well is crucial for everyday and long-term success.